2 solder the battery port (hardware)

Materials used

No. Part Name Image
1. MALE T CONNECTOR X1 male T connector
2. Zircon PCB x1 Zircon PCB

Tools needed

No. Part Name Image
2. SOLDER battery case

We need to put the battery port onto the robot. To do that, we will use soldering.

What is Soldering?

Soldering is used to make an electrical connection between two parts. It involves melting the solder with the soldering iron and touching the molten solder onto where the connection is needed.

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If you want extra practice before getting started on the kit, you can use something like https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14635.

Battery port

We will now install the battery port on the robot.

Find the red male T-connector

male T connector

Put it in the slot on the Zircon PCB (main board). Make sure your board is right side up as in the picture.

top picture

top picture

Turn the board over and solder the connector to the board.

bottom picture

Afterwards your board should look like this.

top picture

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